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Mexico's Ongoing Battle with Marijuana Legalization

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Delve into the current state of marijuana legalization in Mexico.

description: a group of people gathered around a table discussing marijuana legislation in mexico city.

In this article, we are going to discuss the top 20 countries where weed is legal in 2023. You can skip our detailed analysis of the global marijuana market and jump to Mexico's ongoing battle with marijuana legal.

Juan Francisco Torres Landa, LL.M. '90, a corporate attorney in Mexico City, has never used marijuana and doesn't plan to start now, even though he recently witnessed the increasing interest in cannabis-related businesses. As Mexico's legislation on marijuana remains stalled in congress, many entrepreneurs and investors are eagerly waiting for the green light to enter the market.

This week, the Dose takes a look at cannabis in Mexico, where legislation is stalled in congress. That's not deterring one Canadian company, as they see the potential in Mexico's market and are actively planning their entry strategy. Despite the delays, the cannabis industry in Mexico is poised for growth.

And while medical marijuana is fully legal in Mexico, not enough has been done to maximize its potential, according to Denyse Espinosa, a cannabis advocate. She believes that further investment and research are needed to explore the full benefits of medical marijuana in Mexico.

Countries like Thailand and South Africa are slowly opening up to marijuana tourism, a multibillion-dollar industry. Mexico, with its rich cultural heritage and scenic landscapes, has the potential to tap into this market. However, until recreational marijuana is legal, the country cannot fully capitalize on this opportunity.

Marijuana legal has stalled in Mexico, but farmers and cartels are still making big plans to profit off a new market. The potential economic benefits of legal marijuana are not lost on these groups, who are already positioning themselves to dominate the industry once it becomes legal.

As of June 29, cannabis — commonly known as marijuana — will be legal to possess or use in New Mexico by adults age 21 years or older. This development in the neighboring state of New Mexico puts additional pressure on Mexico to push forward with its own marijuana legislation.

Mexico's Supreme Court struck down laws which criminalized the recreational use of cannabis on Monday evening. This landmark decision holds great significance for the future of marijuana legal in Mexico. However, it remains unclear how soon the legislation will catch up with the court's ruling.

Event: Spring Break 2023. Location: Mexico. Travel Smart – Be Informed: Each year, thousands of U.S. citizens visit Mexico during spring break. It's essential for tourists to understand the current marijuana laws in Mexico to avoid any legal issues or misunderstandings.

In conclusion, Mexico's battle with marijuana legal continues. While medical marijuana is legal and the Supreme Court has made significant rulings, recreational use remains illegal. The delay in legislation hinders the full potential of the industry, but farmers, cartels, and entrepreneurs are eagerly awaiting the day when marijuana becomes fully legal in Mexico.

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