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Daily Marijuana Use Raises Risk of Heart Disease

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US researchers found that daily cannabis users were 34% more likely to develop coronary artery disease.

Description: An image of a person holding a cannabis joint in one hand and a stethoscope in the other, signifying the relationship between marijuana use and heart health.

Daily Marijuana Use Raises Risk of Heart Disease

US researchers have found that daily cannabis users are 34% more likely to develop coronary artery disease than those who have never used the substance. The findings, which will be presented at a cardiology conference in March, suggest that people who use marijuana every day may be more susceptible to heart disease than those who have never used the drug.

Researchers from the American College of Cardiology studied data from over 16,000 participants aged 18 and older who had taken part in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey between 2005 and 2016. The study found that people who used marijuana every day had a 34% higher Risk of developing coronary artery disease than those who had never used the drug. However, people who used weed only once a month or less had no significant Risk of heart disease related to their cannabis use.

The researchers said their findings add to an increasingly complex picture of the relationship between marijuana use and heart health. While previous studies have suggested that cannabis smokers, especially younger people, may have a lower Risk of coronary artery disease, the latest research shows that for those who use marijuana every day, the Risk of heart disease is significantly higher.

The study also suggested that the Risk of developing coronary artery disease increases with the amount of marijuana a person uses. For example, participants who reported using cannabis between one and three days per week were 18% more likely to be diagnosed with coronary artery disease than those who had never used the drug.

The researchers said that their findings should be considered in light of the potential health Risk associated with marijuana use. While the drug has been found to have some medicinal uses, it is important to note that it is still a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act, which means it has been deemed to have a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use.

The researchers noted that their study did not take into account other factors that could affect a person's Risk of developing coronary artery disease, such as smoking, diet, and physical activity. Therefore, further research is needed to better understand the relationship between marijuana use and heart health.

In conclusion, the study found that daily cannabis users were 34% more likely to be diagnosed with coronary artery disease than those who had never used the drug. While further research is needed to determine the exact link between marijuana use and heart health, the findings suggest that those who use marijuana every day may be more susceptible to heart disease than those who have never used the drug.

marijuanaheart diseaseriskcoronary artery diseasestudy

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