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The Stoner's Dictionary: A Guide to Slang for Weed

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Stay up-to-date with the ever-changing vocabulary of cannabis culture.

the image shows a group of friends sitting around a table, passing a joint. they look relaxed and happy, enjoying each other's company and the effects of the cannabis. one person is holding a bag of weed, while another is using a grinder to prepare the herb for smoking.

The cannabis plant and its many products come with a complicated and sometimes confusing vocabulary. Many words are used interchangeably, and some terms have regional variations. Whether trying to connect with other 420-friendly humans or trying to sound less like a narc, our slang dictionary will keep you up-to-date.

You might be able to pick up some of this from a German pharmacy or 'coffee shop' in the next few years, with the government having recently legalized marijuana for medical use. But for now, let's explore some of the most popular terms for weed.

One of the oldest slang terms for marijuana, 'ganja' is derived from the Sanskrit word for the flowers of the plant. Brought to Jamaica from India, it has become synonymous with the Rastafarian culture. 'Mary Jane' and 'marijuana' are both believed to have originated in Mexico, while 'pot' is thought to have come from the Spanish word 'potiguaya,' meaning 'cannabis leaves.'

The words and phrases used to refer to cannabis have shifted significantly over time. In recent history, cannabis slang came about for a variety of reasons. During the prohibition era, euphemisms were used to avoid law enforcement. Terms like 'tea' and 'gage' were used to describe cannabis, while 'reefer' was used to refer to a joint.

It's been known as dope, grass, herb, gage, tea, reefer, chronic. But the most familiar name for the dried buds of the cannabis plant, 'weed,' has become a catch-all term for any form of marijuana. It's a simple and effective way to refer to something that has become increasingly accepted in mainstream culture.

There are at least 1,200 slang terms related to marijuana — or cannabis or hashish or weed or pot or, as some say, asparagus. Some of the more obscure terms include 'scooby snacks,' 'hooch,' and 'muggle.' However, many of these terms are specific to certain regions or subcultures.

Why it's important to preserve our stoner vocabulary. As cannabis continues to become more widely accepted, it's important to remember the history and culture that has surrounded it for decades. The slang terms we use to refer to cannabis are a part of that culture and history. Preserving our stoner vocabulary not only helps us connect with one another, but it also keeps alive a part of our shared experience.

Now that recreational marijuana is legal in Missouri, the News-Leader has compiled a handy list of common terms. This list includes terms like 'blunt,' 'bowl,' and 'dab,' as well as more obscure terms like 'roaches' and 'shake.' Whether you're a seasoned smoker or a newbie, this list is a great resource for anyone looking to expand their vocabulary.


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