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Delaware Legalizes Recreational Marijuana Use

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Governor allows bills to pass without signature, creating new industry.

description: a group of people standing outside a cannabis dispensary, with a sign that reads "now open." the people are smiling and appear happy. the dispensary is located in a modern, well-lit building with large windows and a sleek, professional appearance.

Delaware Governor John Carney announced on Friday that he would allow the legalization of recreational marijuana use in the state without his signature. The two bills, HB 1 and HB 2, were passed by the state legislature earlier this month, and will now become law.

The debate over legalizing marijuana in Delaware has been ongoing for years, with supporters arguing that it will bring in much-needed revenue and reduce the number of arrests for possession. Opponents have expressed concerns about public health and safety.

The governor said in a statement that the debate has gone on for far too long, and though he still opposes legalization, he won't stop it from becoming law. "It's time to move forward," he said.

Under the new law, adults over the age of 21 will be allowed to possess up to one ounce of marijuana for personal use. It will also establish a regulated market for the sale of marijuana products, with a tax of 15% on sales.

The law will take effect on July 1, 2021, making Delaware the 19th state in the US to legalize recreational marijuana use.

The governor's decision has been met with mixed reactions from Delaware residents. Some are excited about the new law, saying that it will create jobs and stimulate the economy. Others are concerned about the potential risks of increased drug use and addiction.

"I think it's a good thing," said one resident. "It's going to bring in revenue, and it's going to be good for the state."

Another resident disagreed. "I'm against it," he said. "I think it's going to cause more problems than it solves."

Despite the concerns, many experts believe that legalizing marijuana can have significant benefits for both individuals and society as a whole. Studies have shown that it can reduce opioid use and overdose deaths, increase tax revenue, and decrease crime rates.

The new law will also provide opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors looking to get involved in the growing cannabis industry. With the legalization of marijuana, new businesses will be able to open, and existing ones will be able to expand.

However, it's important to note that the cannabis industry is still highly regulated, and there are many legal and financial hurdles that businesses must overcome to succeed.

Overall, the legalization of recreational marijuana use in Delaware is a significant step forward for the state and the country as a whole. It will create new opportunities for businesses and individuals while reducing the harms of prohibition.

delawarelegalizationrecreational marijuana usegovernor john carneybillslawrevenueaddictioneconomybenefitsentrepreneursindustry
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