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The Link Between Marijuana Use and Heart Health

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Studies show cannabis use may increase risk of heart problems.

description: a close-up photo of a jar filled with marijuana buds, with a blurred background. the focus is on the green leaves and flowers inside the jar, highlighting the texture and color of the cannabis plant.

More frequent use of cannabis was associated with higher odds of adverse cardiovascular outcomes, finds new study in Journal of the American Heart Association. Researchers found that individuals who used marijuana more than once a week had a significantly higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and other cardiovascular issues compared to those who did not use the drug.

Using cannabis is associated with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, independent of tobacco use, with higher odds among the younger population. The study highlights the importance of considering marijuana use as a potential risk factor for cardiovascular disease, especially in younger individuals who may not be aware of the potential consequences.

The cardiac risk of smoking marijuana are comparable to those of smoking tobacco, according to researchers at UC San Francisco. The study found that both substances can have negative effects on the heart, with marijuana users showing an increased risk of heart attack and other cardiovascular issues.

THC, the active ingredient in cannabis that gets people high, could be affecting the heart through its activation of the sympathetic nervous system. This could lead to increased heart rate, blood pressure, and other cardiovascular changes that may contribute to heart problems over time.

Two separate studies examined the long-term use of marijuana and the impact it may have on the heart. The first study showed that daily cannabis use was associated with a higher risk of heart attack and stroke, while the second study found that long-term marijuana use was linked to an increased risk of heart failure.

Cannabis Use Increases Heart Attack and Stroke risk, Researchers Say. A jar of marijuana. Older adults who use cannabis had a higher risk of experiencing heart-related issues, including heart attacks and strokes, compared to non-users. This highlights the importance of understanding the potential risk of marijuana use on heart health.

Marijuana addiction may raise the risk of a first heart attack or stroke by 60%. Cannabis use disorder appears to increase the risk of cardiovascular issues, especially in individuals who are dependent on the drug. This underscores the need for more research on the long-term effects of marijuana use on heart health.

Marijuana use linked with increased risk of heart attack, heart failure. During the study period, 2,958 people (almost 2%) developed heart-related problems, with marijuana users showing a higher incidence of heart attacks and heart failure. These findings suggest a potential link between marijuana use and cardiovascular issues.

Marijuana use linked with increased risk of heart failure and heart attack: New studies. Two new studies exploring the long-term effects of cannabis use on heart health found that regular marijuana users were more likely to experience heart failure and heart attacks compared to non-users. This highlights the need for further research on the cardiovascular effects of marijuana.

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