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The Growing Popularity of Delta-8 THC Among High School Students

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Delta-8 THC usage on the rise among high school seniors.

description: a group of high school students gathered in a park, passing around what appears to be a delta-8 thc vape pen. the setting sun casts a warm glow over the scene, as the teenagers chat and laugh in a carefree moment.

Village Farms International Inc., which owns a Delta cannabis greenhouse operated subsidiary Pure Sunfarms, has started using renewable energy sources to power their operations. This environmentally conscious approach to cannabis cultivation sets a positive example for the industry as a whole.

The state's Division of Cannabis Regulation is revoking the marijuana manufacturing license of Delta Extraction, highlighting the importance of regulatory oversight in the cannabis industry. This move aims to ensure that all cannabis products meet safety and quality standards for consumers.

Among those who reported delta-8 use, close to 91% also reported marijuana use, contributing to the approximately 30% of 12th graders overall. This statistic underscores the interconnected nature of different cannabis products and their usage patterns among young people.

More than 11% of U.S. 12th graders used psychoactive delta-8-THC last year, a study finds. Researchers at the Keck School of Medicine of USC are investigating the impact of this trend on adolescent health and behavior.

Delta-8, an unregulated form of THC, is popular among high school students in states where marijuana is illegal. This loophole in cannabis Regulation poses challenges for authorities seeking to monitor and control youth access to psychoactive substances.

Wisconsin's growing market for legal hemp-derived Delta THC reflects shifting attitudes towards cannabis products in the state. While recreational cannabis and medical marijuana remain illegal in Wisconsin, the demand for alternative options like delta-8 is on the rise.

High school seniors' use of delta-8, a cannabis compound marketed as “light THC” or a legal alternative to weed, is a concerning trend. Educators and parents are working to address misinformation and promote responsible decision-making among young people.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine is urging lawmakers to ban delta-8 THC, a cannabis product under-regulated by the state. This call for stricter controls on delta-8 reflects concerns about its potential impact on public health and safety.

More than 11% of high school seniors said in a national survey that they had used delta-8 THC, a psychoactive compound derived from cannabis. This data highlights the need for comprehensive education and prevention efforts to address youth substance use.

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