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The White House and Justice Department's Decision on Marijuana Scheduling

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description: an illustration of a cannabis plant with vibrant green leaves and budding flowers, symbolizing growth and potential in the ever-evolving cannabis industry.

The White House says it's now up to the Justice Department to make a final decision on marijuana scheduling, adding that the top federal officials are considering various factors before reaching a conclusion. This announcement has sparked discussions and speculations within the cannabis industry about potential changes in federal regulations.

Canada's legal cannabis industry is not getting any excise-tax relief from the Liberal government's 2024 budget. Despite hopes for a potential tax break, industry stakeholders are now facing challenges as they navigate through the financial landscape of the country's cannabis market. This decision has raised concerns among businesses and consumers alike.

In North Dakota, legal efforts are gaining momentum while in Virginia, predictions for marijuana sales are optimistic. Meanwhile, Kansas is gearing up for a medical cannabis vote, California is exploring psychedelics, and Florida sees a coalition of veteran campaigners leading a ballot campaign. These developments highlight the diverse landscape of cannabis legal across different states.

When Canada's Liberal government unveils its 2024 budget, the country's cannabis industry is hoping for excise-tax relief. Amidst growing competition and regulatory challenges, businesses are looking for government support to help sustain the growth of the industry. The outcome of the budget announcement will have a significant impact on the future of cannabis in Canada.

A majority of Florida voters say they support a marijuana legal initiative that will appear on the November ballot—but not enough to guarantee its success. With a divided public opinion and various factors at play, the fate of the legal measure remains uncertain. Advocates are working tirelessly to rally support and address concerns from opponents.

Biden and Harris have discussed marijuana policies, including the ongoing negotiations on the SAFE Banking Act. In New Hampshire, legal efforts are underway while Nebraska is considering a hemp tax. Florida's cannabis campaign funding is also making headlines as stakeholders push for greater financial support to advance their advocacy efforts.

Vice President Kamala Harris criticized the current classification of marijuana under federal law as "absurd" during a recent White House event. Her remarks have reignited debates on cannabis reform and the need for legislative changes at the federal level. Harris's stance reflects a growing shift in attitudes towards cannabis among political leaders.

Voters will now get to decide whether to legal recreational marijuana in a state that has a well-established medical pot marketplace. The upcoming ballot measure will test public sentiment on cannabis legal and shape the future of the state's cannabis industry. Stakeholders are closely monitoring the developments and gearing up for a potential policy shift.

New Hampshire's Republican Governor Chris Sununu has expressed reluctance to sign a bill legal recreational marijuana that was recently passed by the state legislature. Despite growing support for legal, political dynamics and concerns about potential consequences are shaping the governor's decision-making process. The fate of the bill remains uncertain as stakeholders await further developments.

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