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Virginia Lawmakers Pass Legislation to Legalize Cannabis Possession

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Virginia moves closer to legalizing cannabis possession with new legislation.

description: a group of people gathered outside the virginia state capitol holding signs advocating for the legalization of cannabis. the sun is shining brightly on the historic building in the background.

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Virginia lawmakers passed legislation Wednesday that if approved by Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin would allow for the possession of small amounts of recreational marijuana. This marks a significant step towards legalizing cannabis in the state.

Those looking to light up in Virginia still don't have a place to buy their supply within the state. Although recreational marijuana is now legal for adults ages 21 and older, there is currently no legal market for purchasing cannabis products.

A push to establish a legal marijuana market in Virginia is officially dead after Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin vetoed legislation on retail cannabis sales. This decision has left many residents disappointed and without access to legal cannabis options.

As of July 1, 2021, marijuana is legal for adults ages 21+ in Virginia. Marijuana is the most commonly used drug that is not fully legal across the US. This change in legislation reflects a growing acceptance of cannabis use and a shift towards more relaxed drug policies.

Virginia legal the possession of small amounts of recreational marijuana three years ago but never settled on a mechanism to allow legal sales. This has created a gap in the system, leaving residents in a legal gray area when it comes to purchasing cannabis products.

Is marijuana legal in Virginia? Yes, it is legal to possess a small amount of marijuana if you're 21 and older, but not to buy or sell it. You can face legal consequences if caught purchasing cannabis from an unauthorized source.

Though a bill to legal and regulate retail cannabis sales in Virginia has been passed by the legislature and is now awaiting action by Gov. Youngkin, hopes are dwindling as Democrats block further progress. The future of legal cannabis sales in the state remains uncertain.

possession of small amounts of marijuana has been legal in Virginia since 2021. But when state legislators legal it, they didn't set up a system for retail sales. This oversight has led to confusion and frustration among residents who are eager to access legal cannabis products.

Hopes that Gov. Glenn Youngkin might sign a bill legalizing retail sales of marijuana in Virginia faded fast this week as Democrats blocked further action. The political landscape surrounding cannabis legal in the state remains contentious and uncertain.

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