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The Commonwealth Project: Integrating Cannabis into Senior Health Care

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Cannabis use among seniors, benefits and risks, rise of poisonings

description: a group of senior citizens sitting at a table, discussing the benefits and risks of using cannabis for health purposes. they are holding informational pamphlets and listening attentively to a healthcare professional speaking about the topic.

A new initiative dubbed The Commonwealth Project aims to integrate medical cannabis into traditional health care for seniors. In Canada, cannabis poisonings rose sharply among people 65 and older after the country legalized the drug, a new study found. While marijuana has therapeutic value, experts say older adults should be mindful it can interfere with medication and exacerbate chronic conditions. Cannabis poisonings among older adults have tripled, according to a recent study.

Researchers analyzed over 2,300 emergency room visits for cannabis poisoning among adults 65 and older in Ontario, finding the rate of visits has increased significantly in recent years. While some older adults have used pot for decades, studies suggest that others are turning to the drug for the first time to help them sleep. Senior citizens over age 65 have sharply increased their marijuana use, with many doing so for pain management rather than prescription medications.

Seniors are among the fastest-growing age group for using cannabis in Canada. Meanwhile, the number of seniors ending up in emergency rooms due to cannabis-related issues is also on the rise. It is important for seniors to be educated about the risks and benefits of using cannabis, especially in conjunction with other medications.

cannabisseniorshealth carepoisoningscanadamedicationchronic conditionsemergency room visitspain management
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