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North Dakota Cannabis Legalization Efforts Gain Momentum

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North Dakota takes steps towards recreational marijuana legalization in 2022.

description: a group of people holding signs advocating for the legalization of cannabis stand outside a government building in north dakota. their signs read "legalize cannabis" and "support the ballot initiative." the group appears to be engaged in a peaceful protest, with a diverse range of individuals participating in the demonstration.

In a significant development for cannabis advocates in North Dakota, a proposal to legalize recreational marijuana is gaining momentum. A North Dakota ballot initiative group can gather signatures to put a proposal legalizing recreational marijuana to a statewide vote in the upcoming election. This move marks a significant step towards potentially legalizing cannabis for adult use in the state.

North Dakota voters rejected a statewide measure to legalize marijuana in 2022, with 55 percent of voters opposing the measure. A similar ballot initiative failed to pass in the past, but the recent approval for gathering signatures indicates growing support for cannabis legalization in North Dakota.

North Dakota's secretary of state approved a group's attempt to put recreational marijuana on the state ballot in November, signaling a potential shift in attitudes towards cannabis in the state. This decision comes after a committee successfully collected the signatures needed to get a measure on the November ballot, indicating strong public interest in the issue.

The proposal would allow adults 21 and older to possess small amounts of cannabis and purchase products from registered cannabis dispensaries. This would regulate and tax the cannabis industry in North Dakota, potentially generating revenue for the state while ensuring safe access to cannabis products for adults.

Marijuana advocates in North Dakota are hopeful that the momentum behind the legalization efforts will lead to a positive outcome in the upcoming election. With petition efforts to get pro-cannabis measures on election ballots in several states, including North Dakota, there is a growing push for cannabis legalization across the country.

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — Organizers of a ballot initiative to legalize recreational marijuana in North Dakota submitted petition signatures on time, signaling strong support for the proposal. The initiative would allow for the cultivation, sale, and use of cannabis for recreational purposes in the state.

A ballot measure petition filed by a group of 27 North Dakotans may give voters in the state yet another chance to legalize cannabis for adult use. This latest effort reflects the ongoing support for cannabis legalization in North Dakota, despite previous setbacks.

Overall, the push for cannabis legalization in North Dakota reflects a broader trend towards acceptance of marijuana use for both medical and recreational purposes. With growing public support and successful petition efforts, the cannabis industry in North Dakota could soon see significant changes.

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